PC529 International


Top institutions in the U.S.

Our network of private colleges and universities encompasses nearly 300 schools across the United States. All committed to affordability, all uniquely their own. Search them here.


How our members stack up to all 4-year colleges in the U.S.

20% lower student-faculty ratio
11:2 compared to the national average, 14:1

17% higher median earnings 10 years after graduation
$57,329 compared to the national average, $49,142

72% higher 4-year graduation rate
60.7% compared to the national average, 35.3%

*Data from the College Scorecard, U.S. Department of Education, Nov 2022

Search our network of member colleges

Use this search tool to explore our network and find schools that speak to you. From small liberal arts colleges to large STEM universities, there are options for every student. With the flexibility of Private College 529 Plan, you can save at hundreds of colleges in the U.S. at once, and our prepaid tuition is guaranteed by each school in the Plan.

You can also browse our member colleges by state and name or download the full list.

    *Please note that the data displayed using the member college search tool (“College Search Tool”) is self-reported by participating colleges and collected by College Scorecard, U.S. Department of Education. The data was last updated in September 2024 and does not include current tuition, fees, or the year each institution joined the Private College 529 Plan. Tuition Plan Consortium, LLC does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the data displayed in the College Search Tool results. Your use of the College Search Tool and the data found in its output, or any linked materials is at your own risk. Please verify any college-related information directly with the institution.

    View full list

    Acceptance rate

    The share of first-time students who applied to this school that were accepted.

    Current tuition

    Total tuition and mandatory fees for the 2024-2025 academic year. Contributions to a Private College 529 account between July 1 and June 30 purchase a percentage of current annual tuition and fees at each college in the Plan.


    Wake Forest University

    An NCAA Division I school in the Atlantic Coast Conference

    Wake Forest University is a distinguished institution known for its commitment to academic excellence and encouraging the pursuit of one’s best self. Located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Wake Forest combines the resources of a top-tier research institution with the personalized touch of a liberal arts college.


    With our Plan, international families can purchase prepaid tuition for nearly 300 U.S. colleges, guaranteed by the schools for up to 30 years.